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Showing posts from July, 2021


Compare and contrast contextually the  scriptures at the end of this writing, they are proofs that what happened to Enoch, Elijah and Jesus were shadows (except for the dead in Christ, a reality by the resurrection of Christ) of things to come, by implication - what will happen to believers (alive) known as rapture. Each supernatural occurrence differs by the way it happened: Enoch (was not/no more/disappeared - God took him), Elijah (went up/carried up/ascend - by a whirlwind) and Jesus (taken up/caught up/lifted up - cloud received or took Him/disappeared in or into cloud).  Another difference is that Enoch was not seen when he was translated unlike Elijah and Jesus.  Also, Jesus died and resurrected, and his physical body was translated continually till he ascended finally into heaven - Jh 20:17; 24-29, Luk 24:36-43 (a likelihood of how Angels who are Ministering Spirit Beings transform to Men and engage in natural things when they come to earth and  return back t...