Yesterday, in the evening, around 5pm, I was on my way back home from work and I was pairing the front sit of the taxi (beside the driver) with a girl of about my stature. Almost everybody in the car including myself already paid and collected their change each when we were almost getting to the bus stop when something dramatic happened. Since most of us boarded the taxi to highlight at the particular place we mentioned, it's not something new for the car to stop and permit anyone or as much as possible people that would do so to get down. Let's just leave that aside and assume I was at fault for not talking and operating at a higher intelligence frequency or for the girls ignorance that I'll also be getting down the same time or let's blame the driver for rushing us to get down on time because of the trailer coming and the fear of collision or let's blame the trailer that is far but noisy enough to make a small taxi shrink in fear. Here is what go...