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Are you shocked that dead men (who end their lives in hell and their soul to eternal damnation) do preach the Gospel? Did I hear you say it’s impossible and it has never happened or it’s not happening? Give me the space to show you realities (instead of fiction) and you’ll believe (at the same time accept) the truth. But that should not be the end, I’ll love you to check yourself and make amends.

In order to show you proofs and evidences that’ll validate the authenticity of my case study, I’m supposed to share with you the revelation of Heaven and Hell that Christ (by His grace) has made so many believers experience (because they are countless) just like Apostle John (though his was different because it is centered on the occurrence and the exact realities of the end time); but I’ll prefer to show you that biblically, through the story (not parable) that was clearly told by Jesus in the Bible, concerning “The Rich Man and Lazarus”.

But before that, let’s check “The Mystery of Christ’s death in accordance to Hell and Paradise”

Hell (Sheol, Hades, Gehenna) and Paradise (Paradeisos) represent the 2 temporary (not yet eternal) destinations of men after physical death, either for torments or rest (sleep – 1Cor 15:51) of their souls respectively, before rapture and the final judgments; which depicts or determines the rewards of their works on earth.

Of course, as for the dead, the Body (world consciousness) will return to dust and be done away with (Gen 3:19, 35:18a) but the Soul (man’s consciousness – though not physical but like spirit, at the same time, not the same or equal with the spirit of man; because it is intermediary and the essence or being of man) lives on by being damned in hell and lake of fire or saved in paradise (Ps 16:10, Heb 10:39). Check your dictionary and your Bible, what makes man natural is his soul (not body) and what makes man spiritual is his spirit (1Cor 15:42-44).

The spirit returns to God either regenerated or not (for such process is for the sake of man to be alive to God) - (Ecc 12:7 - Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it., Luk 23:46 - And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost., Acts 7:59 - And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit., 1Cor 5:5 - To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.). 

But it will raise the souls of the saints by changing it to a spiritual body incorruptible and immortal (because the soul can die not the spirit) – 1Cor 15:51-53).

Jesus was first in paradise after His death, that’s why the thief on the right was able to be with Him (since it’s either hell or paradise). Though His physical body did not return to dust or decay like men but it was in the tomb lifeless until the third day that the Spirit of God returned to the body and He resurrected physically (because He didn’t die spiritually). 

He instantly became spirit fully (spirit, body and soul), supernaturally and miraculously because He wasn’t easily recognized by the disciples and had it been His physical body was natural, He would have trouble unwrapping Himself of the linen cloth He was buried with (Matt 27:59, Mrk 15:46, Luk 23:53, Jh 19:39-40). Instead, the linen clothes and the napkin were not lying together but wrapped together in a place by itself (Jh 20:6-7 - Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.).

The resurrection of His being proved the impossible reality of the combination or reanimation of spirit, soul and body to be supernatural, yet visible and touchable; unlike the shadows of the occurrences of: the apparition (unexpected, wonderful or preternatural appearance) of a spirit (a ghost like Prophet Samuel’s); physical resuscitation (consciousness or life regaining or restoring) of Lazarus; unseen body of Moses and the translations of Enoch and Elijah etc.

(1Cor 15:52-53) the whole of His being totally became immortal and this birth His resurrection, the major reason why Mary Magdalene couldn’t easily recognize and touch Him because He hasn’t ascended to the Father. This shows that, since God is a Spirit, Jesus has to ascend also to Him in Spirit, not with physical body that He later revealed to the disciples (when they, especially Thomas doubted) physically (Matt 28:1-10, Mrk 16:1,5-8,10-11,12-14, Luk24:10, Jh 20:1-3,11-17).

That miraculous and supernatural occurrence declared His possession of the key of death and hell (Rev 1:18). When this was happening, after the resurrection of Jesus, in paradise, the Saints then that were waiting for such manifestation, experienced what was prepared for the moment and reality of the rapture, when the dead in Christ will be the first to rise (1Thess 4:16-17).

Anticipate for part 2!!! 

Biblical Teachings (Imparting the truth of His word on the basis of transforming the hearts of men, to practically change lives).


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