“Why are dead men in hell preaching the Gospel?”
1 Peter 4:5-6 - Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
The first reason dead men in hell preach the Gospel is because Jesus revealed the fulfilled prophecy of His resurrection in hell(and Paradise), which (indirectly) indicates that Jesus Himself preached the Gospel first before anyone or any being. Though the dead men in hell then, got there by their unjust deeds on earth, the works of their hands and their lack of faith in God (since both they and the Saints then, still had the adamic nature because it’s not been crucified but the Saints were in Paradise).
But as for those that ended their lives in hell after Christ’s resurrection, they automatically know they were there because they rejected the Gospel and disallowed or do not permit the power of its perfection in their lives; in addition to the works of their hands. Since the Gospel (birth, ministry, death, ascension and second coming of Christ) illustrates being born again, subjection to the ministry of the Holy Spirit and death to the flesh which will result to becoming rapture with Christ as Saints and eternally fellowship with God after Jesus’ presentation of the Saints to the Father.
That means, they automatically have no excuse: that they have not come across the Gospel; for rejecting the Gospel and its power in their lives.
(Matt 27:52-53 - And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.)
The Saints in paradise then got delivered from the adamic nature and appeared to men to also reveal the reality or truth of Jesus’ resurrection. That indirectly shows or insinuates how they also preached the Gospel to men on earth, just the way Jesus did in Hell and Paradise.
It was after when the Saints in Paradise became witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection, that men themselves now became witnesses starting from Mary Magdalene, when Jesus appeared to her. In fact, before men became witnesses, angels witnessed Jesus’ resurrection to the disciples at the tomb.
The second reason many are preaching the Gospel in hell is because they are forced by the torment they couldn’t bear. Just like the rich man, these souls are aware that they are doomed but they tend to try their luck by constant repentance and proclaiming of Christ in hell, at the same time pleading for mercy.
Another reason is known through their cries and wailings. Although, they know they have failed God, they are doomed and that it is too late for the living to hear them out, yet they tend to show their dead and wicked mercy (that is of no use) to their people and relations that are on earth.
“How do dead men preach the Gospel in Hell?”
Now, considering our case study; Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luk 16:23,27,28,30). Although, this story is not a perfect picture of illustration and explanation on the entirety of my topic but it is a starting point. The Gospel has not yet become a reality in the Old Testament, but in shadows, it has been proclaimed by the Old Testament Prophets through the revelation of God, and men by faith in the Saviour to come have accessed and became partakers of God’s grace at due time.
So, it is impossible to conclude that the rich man was preaching the Gospel in hell but what he did can be likened to offering the way out that can save his brethren on earth (just the way Lazarus was comforted and rewarded) by repenting of their evil deeds and believing God, so that they wouldn’t end their lives where he is being tormented.
Now, in the original case (reality) of how dead men preach the Gospel in hell; I wouldn’t conclude that you’ve read or heard of men who gave accounts of their supernatural visits to Heaven and Hell, neither would I share any of their revelations to avoid controversies but in likeness to what the rich man did, we would see how dead men in hell preach the Gospel.
Just like how the rich man saw Father Abraham; meanwhile he knew what made him end his life in hell (how he has been rewarded of his evil deeds (sins) and not repenting from them through believing or walking with God by the help of the prophets) because he had passed through the first judgment which had revealed to him why his fate is in hell not heaven.
Though the case of the rich man and those are dead (before the fulfillment of Christ’s redemption) and are in hell, are not different from those that died (after the Gospel has been proclaimed) and went to hell just like the case of the thief on the right while Jesus was on the cross. They both have the same condition; “believing God or accepting Christ while the works of their hands (that is deeds) are pure, holy and acceptable”.
Just like what the rich man did in hell, the accounts that have been given by men (who God supernaturally permit to visit Heaven and Hell) have showed the same process these dead men in hell have always been repeating.
Dead men preaching the Gospel does not mean that these souls in hell are preaching the Gospel to themselves. That’s actually impossible because they are always in torments (of unquenchable fire etc – Luk 16:24b - ...for I am tormented in this flame.) and are unrest but damned; even the living men in heaven aren’t preaching the Gospel to themselves. Following the accounts of revelations given by men concerning hell, the phrase “dead men in hell preaching the Gospel” shows how these damned – dying souls, whenever they are shown to the men taken by Christ to hell, do maximize the opportunity of giving the accounts of; their sinful lives on earth and their inability to repent before death took them.
Then, they proffer solutions by sending these supernatural men to the living (men) on earth; not to follow their paths, repent and believe in God (accept the Gospel) and the finished works of Christ and be saved. They always send warnings to the living (men) not to end their lives where they are (in hell).
So, I believe you would agree with me that dead men (dying souls) in hell preach the Gospel!
Biblical Teachings (Imparting the truth of His word on the basis of transforming the hearts of men, to practically change lives).
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