“What prompts them to preach the Gospel?”
The major and common factor that has always prompted these tormented souls to proclaim Christ has the only way to eternity with God is Guilt. The guilt that they rejected the Gospel and offered their lives to material and worldly things, without the knowledge that they are selling their souls to the devil, keeps tormenting them in hell.
Apart from the elements of torment and torture in hell, the pain of missing it for eternity keeps eating their souls. That is why, according to the accounts of men’s supernatural visit to hell, they have always witnessed virtually all the souls crying out for help and second chance with countless tone of repentance.
In fact, most of the men taken supernaturally to witness such, do feel emotional and scared to the extent that they turn to Jesus for intervention, especially when they couldn’t behold the terror but all they get as feedback from Christ is; “it’s too late”.
Also, the guilt that they loved their lives and have been selfish with it, in addition to their arrogance of ignoring the life Christ offered to them freely, makes them gnash their teeth and weep endlessly. Even though their preaching of the Gospel by sending these living men to earth is too late, yet their selfishness still speaks. How? Just like the case of the rich man, who was only concerned about his 5 brethren in his father’s house and at the same time, requesting that the dead be raised in order to save them; the same goes to these undying souls in hell according to revelational accounts.
Since they have been selfish on earth without saving souls, in addition to making the death of Christ for the whole world effortless over their lives, how then will they not be selfish even in hell?
Another guilt that keeps killing them in hell, even though it is too late, is how ashamed and embarrassed of Christ they are, while on earth. Of course, Christ does give them opportunity to confess their deeds, repent of them and preach Christ to the witnesses He brought to hell, but it is too late to be proud of Him in hell because it is of no effect!
“What the Gospel makes them doing constantly”
Instead of the Gospel to save them, like it does to the men on earth, it however makes them expose their evil and sinful deeds (sins) on earth, which they have carried out secretly (unknown to men) without confessing them to God.
It is very tragedical but the Gospel makes them to keep requesting for impossible second chances. Though these men (souls) are fully aware that they have no reward for confessing, repenting and proclaiming Christ as the only way to salvation, yet the Gospel keeps tormenting them for rejecting it while they had the chance.
“What is your choice?”
The exposition of this topic is not centered on causing fear, springing up condemnation and forcing men to get saved, thereby preaching the Gospel. But it is meant to reveal how urgent, essential and precious, preaching the Gospel is to God and the salvation of men (souls) for the will of God to be made manifest. It however portrays how and why it is crucial for unbelievers to be free from guilt, selfishness and eternal damnation.
Not neglecting the most required expectation of God from believers by standing out and excelling in their roles and responsibilities to propagate the ministry of reconciliation to its climax. “The preaching of the Gospel is meant for the living men (on earth) not the dead and undying souls in hell”. “Men are to save men and they can only do that through Christ by preaching the Gospel”. “Angels and Spirits will not come down to preach the Gospel, the Heavens have played their part, and the rest is left for men”.
Biblical Teachings (Imparting the truth of His word on the basis of transforming the hearts of men, to practically change lives).
Flaming Sword🔥🗡
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