Don't study the Word of God: out of context; to back up your instilled mentality, belief, (denominational) doctrine; to find what will suit your pleasures, desires, human knowledge, mindset etc. Hence, study the Word of God: for spiritual growth, to know the truth (not to win arguments), to know Christ and His finished works experientially; and when you come for these purposes, let self be done with (put away).
I mean, let your focus be "Christ the center" and not your 'self' or any man. This will help you to study in (not out of) context (and not in pretext), accuracy, humility and at the same time become blessed, yet longing and hungry for more.
Likewise, don't teach the Word of God (Spirit and Life) under the basis of those things (surrounding self, mentioned above) that serve as reasons why you study the Word of God. Also, when you teach the Word of God not to show yourself (how sound in scriptures, knowledgeable, fluent etc you are) but to reveal Christ, it will help you to communicate Christ's knowledge (not yours) for Him to be glorified and for those you are teaching to be edified (because God has taught you and you are edified).
Hence, teach the Word of God like Christ would do: in simplicity without suiting the desires or pleasures of men but the will of God; at the same time without dividing the (unity of His) body - the Church. Jesus will not answer any Yes or No questions to justify the desires of men but He will table down the truth and make you answer rightly.
Don't just accept things or do them because you are told to do so, without knowing why you should do them or not, without understanding or knowing what God wants you to do instead of man. That's oppression! Do things because you know why you are doing them (by implications), because you know and understand God's perspective about them and you are not ignorant of what God has commanded you to do personally or individually.
I don't mean you shouldn't listen, learn or submit to elders (in Christ) but be sure you are not under the bondage of what is not meant for you personally (which God might have committed to some).
Exercise your liberty in Christ by holding onto His will and what He commands you to do per time and season. It sounds weird but it builds your relationship (and intimacy) with Him and helps your dependency on Him not man. Some things might be permitted by God when others do them but you might not be allowed to do them; not majorly because they are right or wrong. If you understand these very well, it will help you not to make others fall or put them in the bondage of doing them because you know they are only meant for you.
Some things (setting or system) might be on ground, generally acceptable by all; yet God may raise you up to start something new to go further or behind, which might be strange, uncommon and not acceptable by all. Just get to know what God is asking you to do through whichever means He uses to communicate with you (which others might not understand) either foolish or wise. Do them even though you can't explain or comprehend it. They become clearer the more you give yourself to them through obedience.
Now to the body of Christ, of a truth, every denomination has Her doctrines (or beliefs), tenets, standards etc which for some genuine reasons (known or unknown) have been given by God to the founder for the foundation; and their mode of worship or service implies the lifestyle or spirituality of the founder but does that differentiates us or negate what binds us and serve as our foundation as believers - the Gospel of Christ (Salvation) and His finished works (Grace)?
We should understand that, just like every individual believer has some personal things commanded or committed to him or her by God, which cannot be passed across generally to all believers because of relationship (like I've justified above); such like is what we have of every denomination, even though all constitute the Church - as the body of Christ.
Apostle Joshua Selman once said, "Living Faith will never be deeper life, Christ Embassy will never be Celestial Church. We will never reach a point where all ladies in the world will stop wearing trousers and we will never get to a point in the world where all ladies in the world will wear trousers. We will never get to a point where guys will stop wearing jeans and we will never get to a point where everybody in the whole world will wear suit. The secret to the growth of the cooperate body is to concentrate on our similarities not our differences. The true Christian character should be that of decency and modesty".
Issues of doctrines pertaining to clothing (dressing), scarf, makeup, cream, perfume, worship or prayer etc shouldn't cause controversies to the body of Christ due to religiosity, because not all doctrines are permitted by God generally for each denomination, due to the covenants God had with the founders of such denominations. If despite the rights, freedom or liberty, capacity, power etc that Apostle Paul had as an Apostle(1Cor 9), yet he, understanding what God has committed into his hands, did not behave like other Apostles and still behave like a Jew (under the law and without the law), like the weak etc (just like we have denominations today), all for the sake of the Gospel.
That is to tell you that believers' liberty in Christ is tied to Christ and His will.
Spiritual Charge💥💥 (Reviving the passion for fervency and birthing spiritual potential of God in men)
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