Imagine Jesus failing to die for the world according to His purpose; since that's the only solution, think about what would have happened. Thank God He didn't. That is why you must not fail because you are the only solution.
Other replacements would always cause a problem to humanity and defect in time due to the imperfection and urgency.
A different case (in reverse) is David and Saul. David was the perfect one to fulfill that purpose of a King, but the Israelites demanded a counterfeit (temporary replacement), God gave them Saul because his purpose was in line, you can fathom why he failed.
It's not really his fault, it's because he's not the original meant to fulfill that purpose.
A direct case now; Lucifer was created for a purpose, he was the original, he failed and look what caused heaven and humanity. He was the only one created for that purpose, like every angels with theirs (Michael, Gabriel etc) and like every human on earth too.
It doesn't take God forever to create another; of course, God is capable of creating a better version but instead, God wouldn't use the same formula.
You should know God for that by now. He is perfect and He does everything perfect. You can check the validity of that from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
Every other formulas are shadows in the Old Testament, the New Testament presents the reality of the perfect formula. Just like every other planets in the universe or galaxy are imperfect, earth is the first shadow of the perfect place but the New Earth is the reality of the perfect formula (check the book of Revelation).
That is why, the purpose Lucifer failed to fulfill is now (Jh 4:25) and will ultimately be fulfilled perfectly by the Church (believers or saints) - Rev 7:9-10. You see why you must not fail in fulfilling your purpose, don't even start thinking about the consequences.
If your purpose is in line with that of God, you won't find feeding the world a difficult thing to do or achieve.
Anticipate for my upcoming books
Spiritual Charge💥💥 (Reviving the passion for fervency and birthing spiritual potential of God in men)
Flaming Sword🔥🗡
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