Living a fulfilled life (before death) to the fullest is to satisfy the demands of God and your essence of being, not necessarily until you are old. So, start feeding yourself with the right information to germinate your dreams and when you die, die empty. What do I mean by dying empty?
The perfect example is Jesus and you will understand what dying empty means when He said; "it is finished" - Jh 19:30. That is to tell you that, there was nothing else to live for, Jesus died empty. He poured out Himself (all that was meant for the world) to the world having fulfilled His purpose on earth. You might want to say, that is Jesus, He is God, dying empty wouldn't be difficult.
Here is another example - Apostle Paul. 2Tim 4:6-7 - "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith...". Did you hear that? That man was ready to die because he was now empty? If God is not permitting death to take him away at the point of persecution, trials, tribulations etc (2Cor 11:23-27), he understood that he was not yet done with his assignment.
No man except Jesus suffered so much like this man. He had once drifted away from his purpose, doing what was wrong but when he understood why he was born (and saved by Christ), he lived the rest of his life pouring out himself to the world. He was empty so much that his mind was no longer here on earth, he already knew and began to see his reward with God (VS 28).
The same like person is Apostle John who was abandoned for death at the Isle of Patmos because he has severally escaped violent death like the burning oil by the persecution and tribulation of men. Why would he die when he hasn't witnessed, received, written and passed on the prophecy and revelation of what was to come? Even though they were mysteries indicating the end time, the end of the world and the fate of men and every other creature, he had to stay alive and fulfill thus purpose because that had been declared by Jesus before His departure (Jh 21:20-24).
If death could not hold Jesus down or stop those men from fulfilling purpose, then you also must not die with those gifts, potentials, knowledge, skills, abilities, dreams and visions that are meant to impact the world. Imagine the countless numbers of lives and souls that would be blessed by you but are still dying away and perishing because they are lacking your food. You see the innumerable souls that are attached to you and you are accountable for all over the world?
Stop depriving them, stop starving them, feed them starting from where you are until you don't have anything to feed them again. Don't worry, generations to come will still continue to feed on what you have fed the past generations, to the extent that, your food will serve as foundation, intoxicant and manure for others to feed the world and also fulfill purpose. Feed yourself now with the right information to germinate your dreams and when you die, die empty, because your generations to come will hold you responsible if you die with what belonged to them.
To be continued...
Two of my books will be out in less than two weeks, one will be launched and the other will be free, anticipate.
Spiritual Charge 💥 💥 (Reviving the passion for fervency and birthing spiritual potential of God in men)
Flaming Sword 🔥 🗡
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