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It was a Friday morning, I was on my way to the MTN office around Fajuyi Memorial Park, Ado Ekiti but I was still on the other side of the two-way road, close to the New King's Market. In few minutes, I boarded a taxi to my destination. We were just on the move when the driver stopped to take in another passenger who wanted to put the load she had with her in the boot.
Within the short distance and time that I entered the taxi to the point where we were, there was a war going on in my mind. As usual, like it occurs to everyone, the War of the Mind is mostly initiated by the glances of the sight of the eye, the sounds to the ear or what the body feels which either way becomes a debate of Yes or No (Do or Don't) decision for the mind to conclude on before the individual takes the action.

Few times, the person involved (self) takes an authoritative decision when the battle's duration isn't quick and getting late before the winning side of the two opponents of decisions (that is usually depicted by the reasons which resonates to why the person has to take the choices of actions) is singled out. The usual manner is to wait for the winning side to be detected before such takes the action of choice based on the winning side's decision.

The former was what I experienced when I highlighted from the car and apologized to the driver because my eyes caught the sight of a beautiful, old familiar face and figure. While I was in the car for that short time, I was contemplating on getting down to see if she was who I thought she was or just forget it and move on. Guess who she was - an old friend, mate, siblings or family? 

Immediately I got down and confirmed she was the person I thought she was, I knew my action was worth taken. You wouldn't believe my next line of action. Just by the roadside, where there was hardly a pedestrian way, I moved closer to her and in front before she passed me unnoticed, I prostrated and greeted her. 

She was shocked and looked at me with a strange face suspiciously even while I was smiling and happy to meet her. I greeted her and while she was speechless at who could be standing in front of her with well shaved beards, honouring her in such a respectful manner by the roadside, I unveiled my identity and our relationship in the past, stating where and when we met in few sentences.

She (Mistress Dupe) was one of the teachers who despite her disciplinary nature then in my primary school (Christ Reigneth N/P School - CRNPS), was loved by virtually most of the pupils when I was in the primary classes because she was in charge of selling snacks for the pupils, cultural activities and outings. 

Even though she only teaches the kindergarten and/or nursery classes, she knew the names of most pupils in the school and interacts jovially with them. I bet she was a Sanguine. I remembered I and few of my mates attended her wedding; two of us (I and the other girl) led the others to sing a farewell song for her and she dances with us too. Since she was getting married to a prince not in the same town, she stopped working at our school after her wedding.

I remembered we were shedding tears and waving our hands until she enters the bride's car and zoomed off out of site. A quick fast forward to the present; she exclaimed and greeted me with so much joy and happiness, asking where I was schooling and what I was studying. She was very happy with what I did in courage and she also narrated how one of my mates then (who I couldn't recollect by the full name she mentioned) denied and embarrassed her when she confronted him or her, after greeting and explaining where she knew him or her.

She sent her regards to my parents and we had no other choice but to bid each other farewell. In no such time, I boarded another taxi with so much exhilaration, why? Because I met an old time teacher who wasn't even my class teacher. What would be my reaction if I came across those that taught me? You wouldn't think less of my actions. 

The essence of this story is to encourage anyone out there teaching (in school, home-as parents, church etc) especially those in the teaching profession not to relent in impacting lives. Also to encourage the now (and then) pupils and students (young or old) not to be ashamed of the teachers that once taught them (or are teaching them currently) whenever they come across them near or afar. 

You might want to say it can be done towards those teachers that were (or are) good to you, or those that were (or are) sparring the rod but I'll like to urge you to do the same for those that did (or are doing) otherwise. 

Teachers are Nation Builders. The fact that you both are still alive irrespective of your current status is a testimony that would either respect you both for your past relationship or make you feel ashamed. But either ways, it is a chance to appreciate yourselves or apologize for wrongdoings in the past and make restitution. Who knows what the future holds or might be?

Teachers are Nation Builders even though the status of their profession have been depreciated and their pay degraded which are not encouraging in our country - Nigeria unlike other professions. Teachers are the foundation of every profession. Just the way we refer to the youths as the leaders of tomorrow, teachers are also Future Builders because their impact cannot be written of in one of the most crucial and important sector of every nation's development - Education.

Would you pls give a shout out to all teachers out there? 
Flaming Sword🔥🗡
Oluwayomi Dada✍️ 



LETTER TO MY FUTURE WIFE (a promised reference to Timilehin David's similar letter years ago)

If you are reading this, it is to show how highly God has proposed and buoyantly vouched for you as the apple of his eyes. To a royal diadem, a rare gem, the good thing I'll find whose worth is beyond rubies, the brightest star in the sky I'm staring at and looking forward to embrace her shining light, my other half, the fairest among women (just like my fairy mum) whose heart is golden and cannot be bought by the worth of earthly treasures, one whose stance would cause the fall of a thousand men, and her walking steps draw the gaze of mighty men. To my future wife, whose eyes I would love to fix my gaze, whose cheeks I would love to caress, whose succulent lips I would love to taste like the honeycomb and beautiful body I would love to glue onto like the magnet on the day of matrimony. Your smile is a beaming hope, your laughter a contagious joy and your teeth like the bright spring in the sunny day. I hope reading this won't make you think I am carnal because ...


You might want to wonder, does LOVE have any other side (just like a coin though single but having two SIDES)? Do I not know about the entirety of love or does it still transcend beyond the description and exposition given to it by Apostle Paul in 1Cor 13?  Do you know that, just the way you can't decipher all that God is even though He fully demonstrated His nature of love by becoming a Father and sacrificing Himself (the Soul - Jesus the Christ as His only Son) for humanity; you can't also comprehend all that Love is because God is Love? Now, let me bring clarity to avoid confusion. What do I mean by the OTHER SIDE OF LOVE? Like everybody else will think, the answer to that question would be the painful side of love or the sacrifices of love or the challenges that may befall one because of love etc. But that's not where my target is, instead it is the most neglected nature of Love - BALANCE. When you hold a coin or are given a coin what attracts you the most i...


  The secret of success is to do the common thing, uncommonly well - John D. Rockefeller.  As believers, the kind of success that God wished that we manifest in is different from that of unbelievers. It is success that supercedes man's (self) ability; one that is traceable to the enabling power of God; one which can be drawn, associates and is enabled (in and) by the Spirit, so that we cannot boast of our power, knowledge, skills and every of our ability but by the strength, quickening and enabling power of God. This is applicable to all spheres: Business, Work, Education etc including Ministry. But due to the course of this writing, I'll be centering on exams especially students that are believers. If you aren't one of them, make a quick deliberate decision and be convinced of your salvation, else, you are missing out amongst Christ's family (and the benefits of being a Son, a few of what I'll be sharing here).  According to Josh 1:8 - KJV:This book of the law sh...


It is of no fallacy that there is no boundary, blockage or distance barrier of any sort to the access or manifestation of the Spirit. And indeed, there is no medium whatsoever that the Holy Spirit cannot use to demonstrate enormous power, no matter how unimaginable or unreasonable it may be ( Mantle - 2Ki 2:14, Hem of garment - Matt 14:36, Handkerchief and Apron - Acts 19:12, Shadow - Acts 5:15).  You might have heard of testimonies of men about the move of God's power, either through Social Media (despite the different locations - countries and continents across the globe), Audio or Video Messages and many more. Also, it is not bad or devilish for believers to have spiritual books, messages, write ups etc on their phones, laptops or any technological gadgets.  Doing these does not serve majorly any other purpose than to use them to build up ourselves spiritually and get imparted by the anointing of the Men of God. Which has helped us to access the unreachable mate...


  Num 24:4 - He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open,  16 - He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open The word Trance is derived from the Greek word ( ekstasis ) meaning a displacement of the mind that is bewilderment, ecstasy; be amazed. The condition expressed by this word is a mental state in which the person affected is partially or wholly unconscious of objective sensations, but intensely alive to subjective impressions which, however they may be originated, are felt as if they were revelations from without. They may take the form of visual or auditory sensations or else of impressions of taste, smell, heat or cold etc. The English Dictionary defines it as a dazed or unconscious condition; (consciousness) a state of concentration, awareness and is foc...