We all know that from the scriptures, the Lord God breathe the breath of life (spirit life) into the lifeless body (physical representation of the soul) of Adam and he became a living soul (innocent - natural life) - Gen 1-2.
Very quickly, let's relate that to the incarnation, birth and conception of Jesus (God in man) to prove that He is 100% God and 100% Man.
God in His Trinity being, created and made man a tripartite being (spirit, soul and body) but how did that happen? Before creation, every other beings that existed were Spirit beings including the Angels, and God (the Trinity) existed before all.
Since man was to be created and made, the elements of a conducive environment including the creatures were created and made before him.
When the Lord God made man (Adam's lifeless body), He being a Spirit (and the Soul of God), breathe the breath of life (spirit life) into the lifeless body (a constituent of him that would make him relate with the physical and obey the demands of the soul and spirit), which birth the soul (a constituent of him that would make him conscious of himself, his environment and all creatures and obey the demands of the spirit), while the breath of life in him became his spirit (a constituent of him that would make him conscious of God and obey His demands) in the land of the living.
But remember the effect of the fall of man which rendered him faulty in God's consciousness (because he didn't eat of the tree of life) and instead made him self conscious (after eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil) and dependent on himself (soul) and his natural senses instead of dependence on God to live. He therefore became a guilty soul with a faulty spirit - Gen 3.
Now, during the incarnation of Jesus, why did the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary for the birth and conception of Jesus? The Lord God would have just appeared in the natural realm as a spirit but He wouldn't be birthed or be able to grow like men in the land of the living - Luk 1.
Therefore, like the creation or making process of Adam in the beginning (before the fall), it had to reoccur but the difference is that Adam was a living soul but Jesus, a quickening spirit, what does that mean?
On a norm, for a child to be born, there's a need of copulation from both parties (Male - sperm and female - egg) which produces a fetus that grows in the womb for couple of months and in the appropriate time, be born (a soul though innocent by birth, yet guilty by nature of the fall and at the same time having a faulty spirit).
In the case of Jesus, what was necessary for him to be human is the human body that could only be gotten from the womb of a virgin woman that has been espoused to a man (else becomes what humans calls bastard when not related to an earthly man - father).
So, just like in the creation and making of man, the Holy Spirit overshadowed (came in contact) with Mary's womb and this produced a faultless spirit and innocent soul of God (spiritually perfect than Adam "living soul" before the fall) with a human body.
Instead of receiving the breath of life like Adam, He is the life giver Himself - quickening spirit because He was the infused life of God Himself. This process is what made Jesus the Soul of God (100% spiritual), yet the Son of Man (100% physical) - 1Cor 15.
Why He is called the first-born of every creature or the first fruit of man is because He is the perfect image and portrait of God that was used to make man and every creature that was made. Also, He was the first that was born of God (before any Believer or Christian) having the life of God (Zoe - a reality of the Tree of life the first man refused to eat from) - Col 1.
#Pardon the exclusion of loaded scriptural backup, for the sake of volume.
#Request for clarity through scriptures (optional)
#Preparation and invitation for the upcoming 3 WEEKS PROPHETIC TEACHING on "UNDERSTANDING THE TRIUNE GOD".
#Starts this Saturday 14th, 21st and 28th of May, 2022. Time - 7-8Pm. Join through - https://rb.gy/nwnlo8 or https://rb.gy/rmhtm6
#Biblical Teaching (Imparting the truth of His word on the basis of transforming the hearts of men, to practically change lives)
#Flaming Sword🔥🗡
#Oluwayomi Dada✍️
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