As a continuation (and in reference) to my one-time series write up titled "Dead Men (Souls) in Hell Preaching the Gospel"; I bring to you the fate of the souls of men in paradise that have preached the gospel. Before you read this; kindly refer to the first set of series on my blog for understanding on some things I might be concluding on to avoid questions or misunderstanding. Thanks.
I believe you know that the Old Testament (from Genesis to Malach), talked (preached) about Jesus (birth ministry, death and resurrection) and the redemption of man coming in prophecies but we couldn't call it the Gospel (good news) until the fulfillment of the prophecies began to come into reality starting from the birth of Jesus til the ultimate perfection of the Gospel, which is the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ (Jh 5:46,8:56, Heb 10:1,7,9, Luk 4:18-21, Isa 61:1,2).
In the first series, I wrote about how t. I souls in hell ended up there and what I meant by them preaching the Gospel. But in this write up, I'm writing shortly on the opposite but majorly what these men (souls) in Paradise are doing instead of preaching the Gospel like those (souls) in hell.
The word "Paradise" was mentioned thrice in the New Testament: two by Jesus Christ (Luk 23:43, Rev 2:7) and one by Apostle Paul (2Cor 12:4).
From the Gospel textual source of these write ups (Luk 16:22-23), we hear of Abraham bosom which indicated the resting place of the saints that never ended up in hell before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And from the proofs of those scriptures (Matt 27:50-53, Luk 23:43, Eph 4:9, Rev 2:7), it is evident that it is as if there was an extension or extraction of the saints who were in Abraham's bosom into Paradise during the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This shows that Paradise was prepared for Jesus and the saints that were perfected in faith after He resurrected (Matt 27:53) and the saints that will be coming after Jesus (like the thief that approved Jesus) in Luk 23:43; while this scripture (Jh 19:31-37) proved that Jesus died before any of the thieves. By the help of the Holy Spirit through these scriptures (2Cor 12:2-4, Rev 2:7, Heb 10:12), I found out that paradise isn't beneath like the former Abraham's bosom (where the saints were freed from the corruption and nature of sin when Jesus resurrected) and hell (where the rich man ended up) but to Heaven.
Although it was not still where God dwell Himself because if it was, there will be no need for Christ Jesus (after appearing to Mary Magdalene and not permitting her to touch Him) to ascend far above the Heavens to meet the Father (Jh 20:17, Eph 4:10, 1:3,20,2:6, Heb 9:24, Ps 24:3).
Now, to the main context of this topic, the saints in paradise (even when they were still in father Abraham's bosom) are not preaching or witnessing the Gospel anymore because they have done that already on earth by faith either with their mouth or their actions (character and relationship with men); why? Because what they have heard, believed and preached or done is the truth that therefore has given them peace and rest eternally.
Unlike the souls in hell who when they got there, found out they've lived in lies all their lives and the truth they then or now know and refused to accept or believe is haunting them in hell eternally. That is why they keep professing forgiveness and repentance at the same time confessing Jesus is Lord or Christ. Paradise is still also a temporal place for the dead saints (souls) but better than Abraham's bosom and it is to keep them for their resurrection and incorruptible change of celestial body by the Spirit (rapture) - 1Cor 15.
Luke 16:27-31 - Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
I believe you've been blessed. If you've not read the first series, kindly do so on my blog. Remain blessed.
Biblical Teaching (Imparting the truth of His word on the basis of transforming the hearts of men, to practically change lives)
Flaming Sword 🔥 🗡
Oluwayomi Dada ✍️
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