To read means to look at and interpret letters or other information that is written; to speak aloud words or other information that is written.
To study means to fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to nurse; to ponder. Mental effort to acquire knowledge.
Since our focus is on biblical and spiritual regarding the above definitions, let's delve into our topical segments. Why Reading or Studying?
There are lots of benefits reading or studying spiritual books and writings (especially the Bible) would do to a believer.
Generally, the essence of both is for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Ignorance will make a believer remain Carnal, but desire for growth by acquiring knowledge sets such on a quest to becoming spiritual especially if the application is not excluded, coupled with other spiritual activities such as fasting and prayers etc.
The clause "Have ye not read" occurred seven times in the New Testament expressing how Jesus was ashamed of the Pharisees and the public for both their ignorance, misunderstanding and/or wrong applications of the scriptures.
Just like a new born baby that needs to be fed and led to grow; that same way is the need for your mind - the central constituent of your soul by expectation, to grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
(Rom 12:2, 1Pet 2:2, Eph 4:23)
Since man is a tripartite being (spirit, soul and body), he is expected to be conversant with both natural and spiritual realm majorly through the intermediary (soul) by the help of both realms' dual major constituents - body and spirit respectively.
An unbeliever may know the mental capacity of his mind when fed with natural resources (mental knowledge) but how much more a believer who feeds it with spiritual resources especially with the influence of the One who knows all - the Holy Spirit?
You cannot know the capacity of any storage device except you store into it the right resources that are void of viruses.
Apostle Niyi Makinde likes to say; "What you don't know, you don't know. Don't be quick to criticize whatever God has not revealed to you".
This brings us to the need to know as believers. There has to be a foundational knowledge the Holy Spirit will reveal and expatiate on in your mind, so as to become resident in your spirit (man) and become an advantage during temptations and against the adversary. (Jh 14:26)
Even Daniel understood by books before pressing further for revelations in visions while fasting and praying (Dan 9:2). It is - God that grants the ability to know, understand and apply wisdom but man has to play his part by feeding on available resources - knowledge (especially spiritual) that have been made accessible by frontiers in related fields.
How will the Holy Spirit teach you what Jesus (being the Word) told you in the scriptures and revealed to men in books when you've not read or studied (learned) them? How would the truth (Word of God) set you free (by the Spirit of truth) when you don't know or learn it through reading or studying? (Jh 8:32, 2Tim 2:15). How would you be taught, reproofed, corrected, instructed, perfect etc when you don't sit to learn the scriptures and be inspired by the Holy Spirit? (2Tim 3:14-17)
Why Engaging the Prophetic in READING?
Since you need the help of the Holy Spirit (to speak, interpret or reveal to you while you hear, see and understand) in the process of reading, it is therefore necessary you engage the Prophetic.
This can be applied to any reading because the Holy Spirit knows all. It is however a bit different from Prophetic Reading or studying which is only based on reading or studying spiritual resources.
How to Engage the Prophetic in READING!
-Discern and be sensitive to the Spirit's directions, instructions, leading, interpretations etc before, during or after reading or studying for the best position, style or mode of reading, environment etc for quick assimilation and understanding;
-Confess in Prayers for understanding the help of the Spirit before reading or studying;
-Get every resources necessary for reading or studying as you are led;
-You may be led or directed to someone for teaching before, during or after reading or studying;
-Engage in Writing down understanding as you begin to see, hear or interpret by the help of the Spirit;
-The Holy Spirit may lead some people to seek for knowledge from you, don't hesitate to also teach, it prompts Him to teach you more.
Engaging in Prophetic Reading (Deut17:19, 1Thess 5:27, Col 4:16)
So far we have Prophetic Prayers, worship, teaching etc and anything spiritual related to the Prophetic to show its precise operations by Prophets or those with the unction, then we of no doubt can have Prophetic Reading or Studying.
If Prophecy in this regard is the documented words God spoke to men through men (especially Prophets), then Prophetic Reading or Studying is applied by confession, declaration and profession etc in faith while reading or studying a spiritual or Prophetic resources such as writings or books in light of the scriptures especially with prayers and fasting.
Therefore, Prophetic Reading or Studying is the Holy Spirit speaking through you in reading or Studying (same as prayer, worship, teaching etc) of Prophetic or spiritual books and writings to God the Father for confirmation, activations and perfection of Prophecy.
Biblical Examples are: Jesus (Luk 2:46,4:16-20), Moses (Exo 24:7), Joshua (Josh 1:8), Josiah (2Ki 23:2), Nehemiah (Neh 8:3,18) etc.
Why Prophetic Reading? There is a Spirit behind the letters, that's why they are Prophetic and spiritual. The Word of God (Jesus) is the lamp and lighy; the Holy Spirit is the oil and entity that fuels it. (2Cor 3:6, Rev 1:1-3).
In conclusion, if Prophetic speakings or words were not written or documented in books of different formats (like the Bible), how would believers engage in Prophetic reading? (Acts 8:28-30, 1Tim 4:13, 2Tim 4:13)
This shows that no writing, no reading - vice versa. If reading and writing is used to determine if one is literate or educated, then both are dependent on each other.
Imagine the writings on tables of stones despite the fall and ruin of Babylon 5000 years back found by archeologists, yet their principles of wisdom are still making impact in their applications by the modern society? (Richest Man in Babylon)
How much more the impact of the ancient writings and stories - inspired, given and written by God to men through men from the beginning of human history, yet compiled as the Bible - the greatest, best oldest selling and most translated modern book still read and studied today?
Warning: Spiritual Books are in different formats (hardcopy or softcopy), be careful and cautious of reading or studying them in the flesh. Activate the Prophetic (spirit behind the letters) by engaging spiritual activities with them in conjunction with the scriptures.
-Invitation to the conclusion of "2 WEEKS PROPHETIC TEACHING and EXPERIENCE".
-Date: 14th and 21st June, 2022.
-Time: 7-8 PM.
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Biblical Teaching (Imparting the truth of His word on the basis of transforming the hearts of men, to practically change lives)
Flaming Sword🔥🗡
Oluwayomi Dada✍️
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