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When there was no Bible, the scriptures men had with them (Genesis to Revelation) were not in chapters and verses (including the epistles and letters to the Church by the Apostles). 
Whenever they wanted to make their references, they often mention the concerned book (scripture) but majorly, what they held onto was the content, stories, experiences, testimonies, manifestations, speakings and sayings therein.

Although the former when mentioned is to proof their knowledge which cannot be completely proven without the accurate content but it is just merely used in case the recipient or listener needed such for the importance of reference and knowledge. 
Majorly, what is very common that they held onto as highly mandatory and mostly important is the latter (content) except if willing or necessary that the former is attached as the need or case may demand.

Even Jesus when He was tempted by the devil, overcame without mentioning a single book the scriptures He quoted could be found, yet it was potent to rebuke the devil. (Luk 3:1-13)
The same did Stephen, Apostle Paul and several others in the book of Acts and also the Old Testament men as regarding the law. (Acts 7, 9:20-22, 13:13-52 etc). Except few instances that the mention of book is needed, most of them don't clamor around it at all even in their writings (scriptures and epistles). 

What I mean is that the use of content was more prevalent and dominant before, during and after their time than the mention of books. 
This is where we are getting it wrong in our generation. Now that we have the Bible (compilation of scriptures in chapters and veeses); we are (because of knowledge) placing more importance on the use or mention of chapters and verses than the content.

Did I say the latter is not necessary or useful? No, but note that it does not add to or remove from the potency of the Word of God. 
We've forgotten that when God send His Word to us through His ministers or speaks through us to men or speaks to us personally, He plays His part by the light (understanding) of the content and leave us to play our parts in using or seeking the knowledge of the chapters or verses for references and other things (except few times He has to help us with it totally).

Even in the knowledge of the content, we were admonished to desire and contend for the Spirit behind the letters - for understanding and wisdom. Don't get (quote) me wrong. 
Use the chapters and verses when necessary or the need arises but much more, pay attention to the content to have access to the life and light of the Spirit. (Rom 2:29, 7:6, 2Cor 3:6)

Of course, our generation is pervaded with errors due to lack of sound doctrines and obedience to the Spirit of truth, but will the solution be the quoting of chapters and verses or the expounding of profound biblical truth for the right view and use of the scriptures? (1Jh 4:6, 2Tim 2:15, 4:1-5, Tit 2)
It's not everybody that has a cramming ability like you, stop castigating men. You think you can quote scriptures with chapters and verses? 

When you meet men that are better than you, yet are humble to keep them aside when ministering for the sake of preaching the Gospel (to the unsaved) and teaching Christ (to believers respectively), you will bow.
Don't wait till then, have a change of heart. In fact, what is most required of you is the meditation by the heart and confession by the mouth of the content by faith and its application as a doer of the Word because it is by so doing that you can stand victorious against the adversary (devil) not only in the days of adversity but also in the day of judgment. (Josh 1:8, Rev 12:11)

You can train men to be observant and conversant with chapters and verses but much more, teach them to pay more attention to the content of the scriptures. Remain blessed. (2Tim 3:15-17)
Spiritual Charge 💥 💥 (Reviving the passion for fervency and birthing spiritual potential of God in men) 
Flaming Sword 🔥 🗡 
Oluwayomi Dada ✍️ 



LETTER TO MY FUTURE WIFE (a promised reference to Timilehin David's similar letter years ago)

If you are reading this, it is to show how highly God has proposed and buoyantly vouched for you as the apple of his eyes. To a royal diadem, a rare gem, the good thing I'll find whose worth is beyond rubies, the brightest star in the sky I'm staring at and looking forward to embrace her shining light, my other half, the fairest among women (just like my fairy mum) whose heart is golden and cannot be bought by the worth of earthly treasures, one whose stance would cause the fall of a thousand men, and her walking steps draw the gaze of mighty men. To my future wife, whose eyes I would love to fix my gaze, whose cheeks I would love to caress, whose succulent lips I would love to taste like the honeycomb and beautiful body I would love to glue onto like the magnet on the day of matrimony. Your smile is a beaming hope, your laughter a contagious joy and your teeth like the bright spring in the sunny day. I hope reading this won't make you think I am carnal because ...


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  Num 24:4 - He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open,  16 - He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open The word Trance is derived from the Greek word ( ekstasis ) meaning a displacement of the mind that is bewilderment, ecstasy; be amazed. The condition expressed by this word is a mental state in which the person affected is partially or wholly unconscious of objective sensations, but intensely alive to subjective impressions which, however they may be originated, are felt as if they were revelations from without. They may take the form of visual or auditory sensations or else of impressions of taste, smell, heat or cold etc. The English Dictionary defines it as a dazed or unconscious condition; (consciousness) a state of concentration, awareness and is foc...