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Part One: Employment for Deployment 
This idea of doing all things all by yourself all the time is self destructing and time wasting. 

If even God deployed angels (after creation) despite Him knowing all things, can do all things, is everywhere etc; why can't you adopt that divine and kingdom principles of employment for deployment?

Part Two: You don't have Time.
I wanted to publish my first book (The Mystery of Beauty) of about 200 pages all by myself but after writing and almost typing all, I'm still unable to finish it up and publish it till now due to resources and finance. 

From there, the Lord started training me and giving me a focus of a publishing group to make things happen faster and smarter in a shorter time with no stress while I keep up with writing and ministry works. 

I learnt my lesson the hard way. But it paid off though. That was what I implemented and I came up with two books (The Fear of Monster Trees and Leading of the Spirit) in a short time than I expected. That's how God works, He permits experience at times to teach you His ways. 

But it's best to pray for spiritual intelligence (understanding and revelation) to bypass experience and save or recover time. Stop wasting the time you don't have. 

Part Three: All time Relevance 
Have you seen the leading and long-term Ministries and Churches of nations or worldwide? That's their key for thriving and relevance. 

They keep employing more ministers and workers and the more they keep doing that, they keep advancing. Because they have a system of leadership that understands administration. 

This is one of the major keys for all time Relevance - Administration: building systems and structures - employment and deployment. And it can only be accomplished by selflessness and service to God and His works.

Part Four: There will always be more to do
I found out that there was more to write about every now and then and there's no more time to type, proofread, edit, publish with designs etc. 

In fact, not even time to process all into writing so much that I at times open up my mouth to release them to whoever I have around me before I feel the burden lessened. 

Every minute (let me not say seconds so you won't think I'm exaggerating on what may not be possible), these things (inspirations, ideas, understanding and revelations) keep popping up without even fasting, praying, reading or studying the scriptures etc. 

How much more when I engage these spiritual activities? In fact, it often seems as if I'm going to explode or die when I've not even gone to heaven to behold and know all mysteries? 

Part Five: I had an Encounter 
I had one encounter this year at school during lecture hour and I was asking myself and two friends seated at my back (Israel and Marvelous) if I won't quit school because these things were too much to handle all by myself. 

I've not submitted to my spiritual father (Prophet Dare Makinde) then but I opened up to my Mentor - Dr. Toyin Obafemi and I had to meet my spiritual friend (Bidemi Oyetola) too. 

That moment then, topics with their understanding and revelations on what to write on just kept on coming and I kept writing while my hand and body was shaking even after writing uncountable titles of books that perhaps were never written before. 

Part Six: It happened again 
The same thing happened while I was under the ministration of Pastor David of Okitipupa during the JCCF service at school this year too. 

Times like that, it's always as if the whole of heaven is opened on my head. And in such moments, I understood what the abundance can cause to a man - Pride, self boasting, puffing up etc, if such does not always find means to subdue the pressure which is giving glory to the giver - God Himself and sharing it freely. 

Part Seven: Fasting
I found out why at times, God needed to permit affliction, persecution, trials etc. They're all to help such person to rely on, depend on and be humble before God. 

But then, I found out what the Fathers of Faith implements consistently to keep themselves in check for this position of Heaven on earth at all times without being afflicted and still keep the position of constant receiving from Heaven without its closure or void of understanding, revelation, mysteries etc. 

This is the basic key to engaging the processes of spiritual growth but can only be handled by mastery in them based on spiritual maturity. 
What's this ever relevant principle - fasting.

The reason why you can still process that thought is because your body and soul is still much active. When you subject yourself to long time fasting, it's only your spirit that will be digesting them and you'll have no need to worry about processing them into writing, preaching etc because there's no physical strength to do so except spiritual strength. 

And that will limit you to only what God wanted to do (dispense) through you by virtue of what He's revealed to you, while you begin to enlarge in capacity too. 

When you have the stamina of the spirit, it'll help you in control and processing of constant receiving from heaven no matter how much they keep coming. 

Since you have the channels of discharging and dispensing everything you receive (preaching, singing, writing, drama etc - not just keeping them to yourself because you can blow up; just like the saying that the anointing can kill a man), you'll be able with the aid of administration, to put all in order without being dead in the body and soul due to stress and overload of doing them all by yourself.

Part Eight: Long Life or Extinction of Men
I found out why God didn't permit some men to live too long. They knew too much that's meant for spirits (angels) not men.
Some even know beyond what angels knew. They are too costly for earth to have.

Although, they wanted to live long but they knew and at times they were told by God it's not okay for them to remain on earth. These kinds are colossus of dimensions in God. Too extreme in manifestations and possibilities in God beyond what records of men can contain; why?

They've touched God countless times and have become gods that host God Himself on earth. Heaven cannot have the thought to do a thing on earth without them knowing not even when heaven wants to start doing them on earth.

So, these kinds of men that we have now in our days and that are still living up to 80s in age currently knows that they have to keep suppressing themselves not to know, carry and do too much else they'll be evicted from earth. 

They keep themselves in check by the Leading of the Spirit to do or reveal to men what only God would willingly coordinate. 

In fact some of them need to beg God at times not to do too much before men start seeing them as God which in turn can cause their eviction from earth. 

You see why Jesus runs from known places and people at times to unknown places and people? 

Only men with a domain have to keep suppressing themselves. Such is like Daniel, despising political post to remain in secret with God just to hide God's magnanimous supernatural possibilities in him. 

People like missionaries don't need to and are soon evicted at times by martyrdom because their atmosphere, presence and person is affecting both spirits and men from the norms naturally and are too unbearable for earth to contain - eviction. 

Read the volumes of this book - "God's Generals" to understand more, though I've not been instructed by the Spirit to dwell on them yet. 

This is just one of the major spiritual keys to living long as a Spiritual General.
The End.

©Oluwayomi✍️ (Founder, FSPM)



LETTER TO MY FUTURE WIFE (a promised reference to Timilehin David's similar letter years ago)

If you are reading this, it is to show how highly God has proposed and buoyantly vouched for you as the apple of his eyes. To a royal diadem, a rare gem, the good thing I'll find whose worth is beyond rubies, the brightest star in the sky I'm staring at and looking forward to embrace her shining light, my other half, the fairest among women (just like my fairy mum) whose heart is golden and cannot be bought by the worth of earthly treasures, one whose stance would cause the fall of a thousand men, and her walking steps draw the gaze of mighty men. To my future wife, whose eyes I would love to fix my gaze, whose cheeks I would love to caress, whose succulent lips I would love to taste like the honeycomb and beautiful body I would love to glue onto like the magnet on the day of matrimony. Your smile is a beaming hope, your laughter a contagious joy and your teeth like the bright spring in the sunny day. I hope reading this won't make you think I am carnal because ...


You might want to wonder, does LOVE have any other side (just like a coin though single but having two SIDES)? Do I not know about the entirety of love or does it still transcend beyond the description and exposition given to it by Apostle Paul in 1Cor 13?  Do you know that, just the way you can't decipher all that God is even though He fully demonstrated His nature of love by becoming a Father and sacrificing Himself (the Soul - Jesus the Christ as His only Son) for humanity; you can't also comprehend all that Love is because God is Love? Now, let me bring clarity to avoid confusion. What do I mean by the OTHER SIDE OF LOVE? Like everybody else will think, the answer to that question would be the painful side of love or the sacrifices of love or the challenges that may befall one because of love etc. But that's not where my target is, instead it is the most neglected nature of Love - BALANCE. When you hold a coin or are given a coin what attracts you the most i...


  The secret of success is to do the common thing, uncommonly well - John D. Rockefeller.  As believers, the kind of success that God wished that we manifest in is different from that of unbelievers. It is success that supercedes man's (self) ability; one that is traceable to the enabling power of God; one which can be drawn, associates and is enabled (in and) by the Spirit, so that we cannot boast of our power, knowledge, skills and every of our ability but by the strength, quickening and enabling power of God. This is applicable to all spheres: Business, Work, Education etc including Ministry. But due to the course of this writing, I'll be centering on exams especially students that are believers. If you aren't one of them, make a quick deliberate decision and be convinced of your salvation, else, you are missing out amongst Christ's family (and the benefits of being a Son, a few of what I'll be sharing here).  According to Josh 1:8 - KJV:This book of the law sh...


It is of no fallacy that there is no boundary, blockage or distance barrier of any sort to the access or manifestation of the Spirit. And indeed, there is no medium whatsoever that the Holy Spirit cannot use to demonstrate enormous power, no matter how unimaginable or unreasonable it may be ( Mantle - 2Ki 2:14, Hem of garment - Matt 14:36, Handkerchief and Apron - Acts 19:12, Shadow - Acts 5:15).  You might have heard of testimonies of men about the move of God's power, either through Social Media (despite the different locations - countries and continents across the globe), Audio or Video Messages and many more. Also, it is not bad or devilish for believers to have spiritual books, messages, write ups etc on their phones, laptops or any technological gadgets.  Doing these does not serve majorly any other purpose than to use them to build up ourselves spiritually and get imparted by the anointing of the Men of God. Which has helped us to access the unreachable mate...


  Num 24:4 - He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open,  16 - He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open The word Trance is derived from the Greek word ( ekstasis ) meaning a displacement of the mind that is bewilderment, ecstasy; be amazed. The condition expressed by this word is a mental state in which the person affected is partially or wholly unconscious of objective sensations, but intensely alive to subjective impressions which, however they may be originated, are felt as if they were revelations from without. They may take the form of visual or auditory sensations or else of impressions of taste, smell, heat or cold etc. The English Dictionary defines it as a dazed or unconscious condition; (consciousness) a state of concentration, awareness and is foc...