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Showing posts from June, 2022


There are some things that needs to be corrected on writing based on mindsets and ideology, that we ought to know and that would serve as foundation and soil which would in turn fertilize our engagement in Prophetic Writing and the Prophetic in Writing respectively. The first is; "God is not a Writer and not involved in Writing".  Can you imagine such assumption? That's a total fallacy. You have to know that it is not true and I'm going to prove to you that God (the Trinity) is a writer, the inspiration and influence of good or godly writings and even the first author of books. (2Tim 3:15-17) He wrote with His fingers twice and has a figurative or symbolic book He keeps writing or blotting out the names of people - The Book of Life. (Exo 24:12, 31:18, 32:15-16, 34:1)  Another one very common is; "Writing is only meant for Writers".  First of all, if we don't understand the essence or purpose of writing and it's benefits, we won't unde...


What's the difference between Reading and Studying? To read means to look at and interpret letters or other information that is written; to speak aloud words or other information that is written.  To study means to fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to nurse; to ponder. Mental effort to acquire knowledge.  Since our focus is on biblical and spiritual regarding the above definitions, let's delve into our topical segments. Why Reading or Studying? There are lots of benefits reading or studying spiritual books and writings (especially the Bible) would do to a believer. Generally, the essence of both is for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Ignorance will make a believer remain Carnal, but desire for growth by acquiring knowledge sets such on a quest to becoming spiritual especially if the application is not excluded, coupled with other spiritual activities such as fasting and prayers etc.  The clause "Have ye not read" ...


It's obvious that both salvation and temptation are not the same and do not mean the same but I also need to let you know that both are not meant for the same kind of people.  Salvation is not meant for believers again, they are already saved (regenerated in their spirits) and are attaining the salvation of their soul - which will be ultimate after departure from natural realm either by natural death or at rapture. (1Pet 1)  This shows that salvation is meant for unbelievers - those who are not yet saved (the unsaved). All through the Old Testament, the Lord God is the salvation men (fathers) of faith believed and that was offered to Israel and anyone, any nation or any nation's citizen that chooses to believe Him as the true God.  This same "Lord God" was prophecised by the Prophets to be offered as salvation to mankind by birth and would die and resurrect to complete man's redemption process. (Rom 4:3, Heb 11) This is the same Jesus that came to the ...


When there was no Bible, the scriptures men had with them (Genesis to Revelation) were not in chapters and verses (including the epistles and letters to the Church by the Apostles).  Whenever they wanted to make their references, they often mention the concerned book (scripture) but majorly, what they held onto was the content, stories, experiences, testimonies, manifestations, speakings and sayings therein. Although the former when mentioned is to proof their knowledge which cannot be completely proven without the accurate content but it is just merely used in case the recipient or listener needed such for the importance of reference and knowledge.  Majorly, what is very common that they held onto as highly mandatory and mostly important is the latter (content) except if willing or necessary that the former is attached as the need or case may demand. Even Jesus when He was tempted by the devil, overcame without mentioning a single book the scriptures He quoted cou...


As a continuation (and in reference) to my one-time series write up titled "Dead Men (Souls) in Hell Preaching the Gospel"; I bring to you the fate of the souls of men in paradise that have preached the gospel. Before you read this; kindly refer to the first set of series on my blog for understanding on some things I might be concluding on to avoid questions or misunderstanding. Thanks. I believe you know that the Old Testament (from Genesis to Malach), talked (preached) about Jesus (birth ministry, death and resurrection) and the redemption of man coming in prophecies but we couldn't call it the Gospel (good news) until the fulfillment of the prophecies began to come into reality starting from the birth of Jesus til the ultimate perfection of the Gospel, which is the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ (Jh 5:46,8:56, Heb 10:1,7,9, Luk 4:18-21, Isa 61:1,2). In the first series, I wrote about how t. I souls in hell ended up there and what I meant by them...